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'Great Wall of Vulva'

Artist Jamie McCartney has advanced how we view female anatomy and more more importantly how ladies view their own anatomy. Through his creation and exhibition of the Great Wall of Vulva he is "changing female body image through art" - 400 casts of the Vulva displayed side by side each unique. Jamie had support from a wide range of women including mums and daughters, twins. pre and post birth mums and both male to female and female to male transgender . His work has attracted a lot of publicity and in one documentary before proposed surgery a cast was taken and the lady was able to see herself and appreciate her form thereby literally changing her body image and changing her mind on having surgery. In a society that for too long denied open discussion on these subjects it's great to see opinions and prejudices changing Here at Nude Therapy we endorse and promote positive body image through our nurturing and loving naturist therapies. Call us today 💛

Warmest hugs


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